Hello, I'm Steven and my two best friends who help me put the server together, Lance and Eli.
We all have retail World Of Warcraft experience. I go by iStevie B from my gamertag and my DanceDanceRevolution skills Lance also goes by Veenom. A little Introduction from myself, and If Lance and Eli want to post on this go ahead.
I'm Stevie, I'm in 10th grade,I have 1 tattoo,I was born in Italia,and I love to Rave. I love to play WoW whenever I can. I've been playing WoW since it's release. So I know WoW like the back of my hand, but create .lua files and stuff are all new so if you have any pointers fill me in and you'll be rewarded.
Anyways, I want to say first off thank you Lance And Eli for sticking around for how long now 4months? Haha. This is an ArcEmu server so if you become a GM please download the right batch.file. We will not be accepting any donations. The only donations you can make is help support the server.
To also help the server, if you want, you can help by creating custom PvP gear at WoW-v.com. But DO NOT create OP gear. Make it reasonable. Voter Gear is a possibility.
When Entering the server, for the time being, you will start in a cube room, with a penguin starting at you. Click on the penguin and Hit STV level 70. Once you go there, visit the the Draenie quest giver and start and complete the quest. Once there you can teleport to the mall. DO NOT click Blizzlike then custom PvP because for some reason the mall I uploaded came with a crashed mall. But you can go to the mall and get your gear. When visiting the GM Desk, players are teleported to a room where you are able to sit and talk through a window to a GM. (Quite Neat if you ask me). If you have any questions at all. Write a Ticket, because I have a Custom name in wow and it prevents noobs from spamming me. =)